Sorry its been a while since mommy added any new pictures, it is my fault. I had to catch this virus called croup. It has been pretty miserable. Here is a picture of me at the marathon wait at the urgent care Monday night. We waited for 2 1/2 hours to be seen by a doctor. The whole time I was having a hard time breathing. After the steroid shots and a breathing treatment, I didn't have to be admitted to the hospital, but was instead sent home. Thank goodness.
I am feeling much better here playing outside. Even though I have been "under the weather" I have been enjoying the nice warm weather. And yes, I still like taking sodas and water out of the fridge.
Yep, I am always all smiles when I am outside.
Here I am with mommy before church. I am sporting my new Easter outfit even though its not Easter yet. Mommy said I had to get some good out of it before I outgrow it. She is so silly.
I will hardly stand still for mommy to take a picture. That is why most of the pictures are blurry from me running away from her.
Many of my favorite words at this time are in reference to coke. My old "default" word for coke was "daddy" because he drinks so much of it, but now I can say coke very plainly along with "dew" for Mountain Dew. I do still like the water bottles too.
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