Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Funny Expressions

This was the expression on mommy's face when she felt my first tooth pop through the gums. She was sooooo excited. I, on the other hand, just threw my hands in the air trying to tell her that's why I have been drooling so much and keeping her up through the nights.

Here I am playing with my new favorite toy. I can put the balls in with help from mommy, but I much prefer to chew on them. It looks like I am waving at you (which mommy and daddy have diligently been working with me on), however, mom just happened to snap a picture with my hand up and not a true wave just yet.

Here I am sporting my first pair of New Balance running shoes that I got from Meemaw and Peepaw for Easter. It won't be long before I am out in the neighborhood hills trying to keep up with mommy.

Here I am after returning from my 6 month photo shoot at Sears. Boy that was a tiring experience. That is why I have my hands in the air kicking back and resting. They made me wait so long, but the pictures will be worth it for sure.

Here I am trying out my new blow up ducky tub. Thanks Aunt Gail for this great bath time toy. Now that I can sit up really good, I love to splash and play around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like he enjoys bath time much more. Wish I could say the same for my little guy. You do an amazing job of capturing the cutest expressions on Hayden. Love the update.