Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Top Ten Reasons I am a "Big Boy Now!"

Since I am officially 8 months old now, I thought it would be appropriate to come up with a Top
10 List of why I am such a big boy now. So, drum roll please.................

10. I now wear big boy pajamas......no more sleepers with footies in them. That's for babies.

9. I got my first boo boo and didn't even cry!

8. I can now pick up puffs and feed myself......not quite a pincer grasp yet, but that's to come.

7. I can drink through a straw. Boy is that a treat!!!

6. I can stand on my own and hold a toy. Doing 2 things at once is old hat now.

5. I can wave, and for all you SLP's out there reading this......it is a wave with only a verbal prompt, no visual cues and its across 3 consecutive sessions!!!

4. When I am cruising around furniture I only need to hold on with one hand.

3. When some one is trying to help me stand up, I push their hands away......I can do it myself!

2. I am over 20 pounds. I know.......that makes me a chunk and my legs are chubby....but who cares.

1. And finally, much to mommy's dismay, I am constantly saying dada. Not a sign of any bilabials (for the non SLPS.....[m] sounds for mommy) in sight for the time being.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the top ten list (with pictures to boot)! What a great idea.

He is changing so quickly. You better start getting things out of reach now!