Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rutledge-Wilson Farm

Today Mommy and Daddy took me to Rutledge-Wilson Farm and boy did I have a "Hay Day" literally!

First, I had to jet over to the tractors.

Next I checked out all the animals. I got to pet the ponies and the goats.

I even got to hear the roosters "Cockadoodledoo." I giggled hysterically every time they did it.

Next it was onto the pumpkin patch with a ride on daddies shoulders.

Eventually we made it to the children's hay bale area. Boy was it fun climbing and walking all over the hay!

Here I am on the top being the king of the world!

Finally it was off to the barn and silo playground. This was by far the coolest playground I have been on. I am now a professional at sliding down big slides.

I have become so good on the slides I like to go down on my belly and try to climb up them as well.

I have also become very fond of crawling through the tunnels even if it makes my hair stand straight up.

Trying to get me to pose for an actual picture when I am trying to run around and play was a joke. As you can tell in each photo, I wanted no part of it, even if that's what mommy wanted me to do.

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